I’ve talked to many who complain about JavaScript and don’t view it as real development. Web development continues to grow and along with that comes larger JavaScript applications, higher user experience expectations and a never ending flow of new frameworks and tools.
Based on my experience this summer with interns and over the last years of working on a large JavaScript driven application, I’ve learned that JavaScript code can be readable and maintainable using methodologies that we’ve adopted in C#, Java etc. SOLID principles, good naming practices, and Object Orientated can all be used to create JavaScript applications.
I decided to give a talk at southdakotacodecamp.com 2016. I’ll start from a jQuery driven UI (grid with filtering) and move through steps to clean up the code. We’ll look at OOP, inversion of control approaches and TypeScript. Then we’ll convert jQuery code into KnockoutJs to see how data-binding tools can help reduce DOM manipulations and simplify the code. If there’s time we’ll touch on RequireJs (module loading) and show the same solution in Aurelia (a framework that does even more for us).
I think you’ll see the benefits of treating JavaScript like a real language.
Ask yourself. Who is going to be working on rigid in the future? Me, someone else? You want them to still like you and not waste their and the company time figuring out hard to read code.
Almost all software quick will need new features and maintenance, which means you or someone will spend more time reading and modifying your code then you will writing the code.
The demo code is in my Github repository using Asp.Net Core to host and serve up the JSON. Any webserver could have been used, but I wanted to practice with Asp.Net Core.
If you’d like to have me present for your class/team/company on this topic or Continuous Delivery or DevOps using TFS from 2015 contact me on Twitter and we can try to work something out.
Here’s our Omnitech blog about SD Code Camp 2016 .
I want to view the solar energy data available from United Nations So that I can have a more informed view of the world
I need code examples to show the progression of a ball of code into cleaner code
Given I load the page Then it should show the data in a table
Given I load the page Then it should default showing all data
Given the data table When I click on a row Then it should show the details
Given I select a different year option Then it should show the new data in the table
Show a loading indicator for at least 500 ms while loading data
I am focusing on JavaScript implementations, so I did not implement this (maybe I’ll add it someday) with straight Asp.Net MVC. However, that is a perfectly good solution and you should consider what the correct approach is for your soultion. Progressive web apps or all server side code may be faster and better for your client and user. The main question is if they want an interactive app with a more fluid UI, what skills your team has vs how much time to learn a new approach.
I’ve seen a lot of jQuery nested in a $(function(){ document ready. This starts to get intertwined and messy pretty quickly.
There are many things that we don’t get when all of the jQuery is piled into the HTML file (see my GitHub code example).
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